NFT's studying the
spirit mind and body

Creating art that can be practiced to improve life

I Dont Know

Creating art that studies the spirit the mind and body. There will be 3 Chaters per year starting 04/11/22 with Spirit chapter. This chapter will run for 4 months. Then Mind chapter for 4 months and finish out each year with a body content chapter.

This year’s Spirit chapter: Light Body Mantra.

This is a mantra that when spoken to the sun at sunrise and or sunset. Has the ability to increase awareness through a process of activating the pineal gland.

What is a mantra?
(Originally in Hinduism and Buddhism) a word or sound repeated to aid concentration in meditation:
recitation · singing · song 

Curent Chapter

Light Body Mantra 4/8 Now available

Through OM AH HUNG one attains the three kayas
Through VAJRA one realizes mirror-like pristine awareness
Through GURU one realizes the pristine awareness of equalness
Through PEMA one realizes the pristine awareness of discernment
Through SIDDHI one realizes the all-accomplishing pristine awareness
Through HUNG one realizes the pristine awareness of basic space that adopt a fierce countenance to benefit sentient beings. In East Asia, these are called Wisdom Kings.

NFTs Avavailable Now!

Light Body Mantra 4/8 Now available now on Opensea